Environment and Forest Department of Madhya Pradesh
पर्यावरण और वन विभाग,मध्य प्रदेश सरकार
पर्यावरण और वन विभाग,मध्य प्रदेश सरकार का परिचय
(Introduction of Environment and Forest Department)
The main objectives/areas of interest of the department are:
- Maintenance of environmental stability and ecological balance.
- Conservation of natural heritage and endowments.
- Increasing substantially forest/tree cover.
- Meeting the requirements of growing population.
- Encourage efficient utilization of wood and to maximize wood substitution.
- Have a minimum of 33% of area under tree cover and 75% cover within hills.
- Massive time-bound programme of forestation and tree planting.
- Encourage farmers to practice farm forestry.
- Involvement of people in forest conservation.
- Encourage efficient utilization of wood and to maximize wood substitution.